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 you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven)

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Ophelia W. Scott

Ophelia W. Scott
Danseur débutant de macarena.

Ma petite vie
Aux Bahamas depuis: 24 Juillet 2014
Statut civil: Célibataire
Lieu de résidence:
PROFIL✿ Inscrit le : 04/11/2013
✿ Messages : 186
✿ Age : 29

you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven)   you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 EmptyJeu 31 Juil - 21:21

Alors partons là-dessus ^^ Et on se fait un RP dès qu'on peut? :stp:
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Summer A. Eaton

Summer A. Eaton
Canard hors de l'eau.

Ma petite vie
Aux Bahamas depuis: Toujours
Statut civil: Célibataire
Lieu de résidence: Cable Beach
PROFIL✿ Inscrit le : 22/07/2014
✿ Messages : 52
✿ Age : 28

you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven)   you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 EmptyJeu 31 Juil - 21:30

T'es pas d'une grande aide là ! you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 2355980412 
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Sven M. Buchanan

Sven M. Buchanan
Danseur débutant de macarena.

Ma petite vie
Aux Bahamas depuis: toujours.
Statut civil: libre comme l'air.
Lieu de résidence: cable beach, baby!
PROFIL✿ Inscrit le : 11/07/2014
✿ Messages : 193
✿ Age : 30

you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven)   you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 EmptyJeu 31 Juil - 21:44

Avec plaisir, tu me dis quand t'es dispo? :niaa:
Michel : on peut faire une scène où ils se draguent, genre lui pense être discret. Sifflote
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Micahëlle J. Pittsbury

Micahëlle J. Pittsbury
Hakuna matata

PROFIL✿ Inscrit le : 03/11/2013
✿ Messages : 375
✿ Age : 35

you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven)   you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 EmptyJeu 31 Juil - 22:21

J'ai déjà commencé le RP, et ce sera très facile de dériver vers ton idée :27:
Je te le résume (parce que je peux pas le poster et qu'il va falloir attendre demain matin) : Summer a perdu son toutou chéri et le cherche partout -au point de hurler dans les rues- donc Sven pourrait l'avoir récupéré la veille et le rendre à Summer, ce qui ferait de lui son zéro ... Heu pardon, héro je voulais dire Arrow
Ça te va ? :niaa:
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Sven M. Buchanan

Sven M. Buchanan
Danseur débutant de macarena.

Ma petite vie
Aux Bahamas depuis: toujours.
Statut civil: libre comme l'air.
Lieu de résidence: cable beach, baby!
PROFIL✿ Inscrit le : 11/07/2014
✿ Messages : 193
✿ Age : 30

you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven)   you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 EmptyJeu 31 Juil - 22:29

Ouaip! :niaa:
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Summer A. Eaton

Summer A. Eaton
Canard hors de l'eau.

Ma petite vie
Aux Bahamas depuis: Toujours
Statut civil: Célibataire
Lieu de résidence: Cable Beach
PROFIL✿ Inscrit le : 22/07/2014
✿ Messages : 52
✿ Age : 28

you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven)   you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 EmptyVen 1 Aoû - 10:09

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Sven M. Buchanan

Sven M. Buchanan
Danseur débutant de macarena.

Ma petite vie
Aux Bahamas depuis: toujours.
Statut civil: libre comme l'air.
Lieu de résidence: cable beach, baby!
PROFIL✿ Inscrit le : 11/07/2014
✿ Messages : 193
✿ Age : 30

you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven)   you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 EmptyVen 1 Aoû - 10:26

C'est parfait,je réponds quand je retrouve internet. :niaa:
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you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven)   you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven) - Page 4 Empty

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you looked down at the city, saw it slowly growing tiny, as the sunset turned hell's kitchen into heaven. (sven)

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